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Opening Hours : Monday to Saturday - 9am to 6pm
  Contact : +1-519-657-9699

Cupping Therapy


using the flame to create vacuum suction in a glass cup and placed on to acupoints. The person can feel some tightness and pressure from the suction, but it’ll go away after a few minutes. There are two methods of cupping: dry and wet. In the procedure of wet cupping, the skin is punctured by sterile needles before either the fire cups or suction cups are placed on the skin. This technique draws out the blood, thus removing harmful substances and toxins from the body. The cups are to be left on the patient’s skin for 10 to 15 minutes. Cupping is used to encourage the blood flow of the body and treat conditions such as acute or chronic pains, respiratory problems, and musculoskeletal problems. After the cups are removed from the session, temporary red marks might show on the patient’s skin. These marks might remain on the skin for up to 10 days. These marks are a result of bruising and minor bleeding from broken capillary blood vessels.