Welcome to Shang Gong Chinese Medicine Wellness Centre

Opening Hours : Monday to Saturday - 9am to 6pm
  Contact : +1-519-657-9699

April Workshop

We are excited to offer the following complementary workshops to anyone who are interested!

*Limited Spots. Please call 519-657-9699 to RSVP*

Unit 9 – 1700 Hyde Park Road, London

The time and topics for April Workshops are:

During this workshop, you will learn more about what gluten is and get your questions answered with our Registered Dietitian. It will be a total of one hour, with a 40-minute presentation, and a 20-minute Question and Answer period.

Join us for this life changing two hours of vision and dream designing and collaboration, soaking in the positive and uplifting energy with our Certified Life Coach and Motivational Speaker – Lin Yuan-Su.

Do you have frequent headaches?
Do you suffer from Migraine?
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Do you feel you do not get much relief from your current treatment plans?

Join Hai Su in this one-hour workshop to learn how Chinese Medicine views and treats headaches.

Ketogenic Diet has gained huge popularity in the past few years for its fast weight loss result and positive impacts in some health conditions such as epilepsy and cancer. It is also a very controversial diet. Join our Registered Dietitian for this one-Hour workshop to understand it.


Hot flashes! Mood Swings!
Night sweats! Sleep issues! Anxieties!
Our body gives us many symptoms during menopause and they are certainly not “sexy”. In this one-hour workshop, get more information from Hai and Dr. David on how Chinese Medicine and Naturopathic medicine can help to sooth the symptoms of menopause.